Friday, May 8, 2009

In Buonconvento, Italy

Well I made to Italy yesterday after a very full day of travel and hanging around airports. All flights were on time or slightly ahead of schedule including the Air France through North West Air to Paris. This flight was interesting about an hour from Paris when a very noise vibration seemed to come from the right engine of the Boeing 777 200. Scared the hell out of me but I tried not to show it as did everyone else. We went lower and the thicker air seemed to do the trick and we arrived 15 ahead of schedule. I like 4 engines better than 2! From Paris to Florence in a 4 engine something and I was asleep most of the way. Florence Airport to train station via cab for 21 euros a distance of about 5 crooked miles through town, than on to a train to Siena, which left an hour early, than a connection to Buonconvento after an hour wait. Got in to town about 4 pm, jet lagged, tired, nervious, hungry. I walked to the hotel Gilbellino about a block away by asking directions in very broke Italian and following hand signs. Checked in with Federina with whom I had been emailing with. The room is small but nice with 2 small single beds, a small shower stall with moving partisons and the heat on. I am hot and the air conditioning systems are not on since is still spring and people are cold here. I like it. I got a shower, made contact with Maddine Insalaco and Jone Vinson, whom live about 200 yards down the street, and they suggested a good local ristorante l Pogglioli (I think that is how its spelled). Sea food is in town and had a spigettie with sea food sauce, non tomato, tuscany style and a tub of minestroni soup 20 euros. Could not finish half of it. Way too much for me. Went back to room, figured out how to us 220 v with laptop and connect to the Internet and did some emails home.

Today I have been out and about fighting jet lag with a nice little walk up a country gravel road and took pictures of the country side. Beautiful in an orderly way. I surprised a ring neck pheasent out of the brush. I didn't know Italy had them. Had a wonder lunch of flat noodles with articoke hearts, mushrooms, and diced tomatoes for 6 euros. Back in room catching up on email and will up load some pics I took of the land and a art exhibit at the Museco d'Arte Sacra della Val d' Arbia just down the street.

This work is 14th century, egg tempera on wood panel. The Humility of Mary breast feeding Jesus with two saints watching. Breast feeding is very common in public in Italy and for some reason no one gets upset by it as the nut cases do in the USA.
This is Buoncovento's city hall. 16th century on the Via Casia from Rome to France.