Monday, April 12, 2010

OPAS in the news

is a news story of OPAS in Athens, Ohio having a great day painting the town (not red but more pink).

Friday, April 2, 2010

No April Fool's

I got out and did the first real plein air of the season yesteday with a small 8 x 10 oil on canvas panel of a clump of daffodils I planted as a lark last fall. I found a bag of bulbs in the garage purchased Zeus only knows and got them in the ground before the frost. Up they came so looking for a motif their it was. Not bad but I am not happy with the grass. I need more practice with grass. Must do more daffodils while they are around.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lots going on.

I just finished this 36 x 48 oil on canvas studio work. It will hang at the Holzer Clinic lobby show starting April 1st. Last Saturday OPAS held its 7th annual business meeting with 75 members and guests attending. Three excellent demos were given by Carl Dalio, Karen La Valley, and Joe Lombardo. It was a very good meeting. The annual workshop and OPAS competition is coming in September. The April paintout in Athens is April 10th. Lots going on.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Painting again

After a rather long illness and other issues I am painting again to prepare for show this coming April. This is a study for a much larger work of a huge sunset glory after a thunderstorm. Its sky, clouds, light, dark, urban. I just painted in the background sky of laverders, violets, gray blues thin and its drying so the yellow and orange pink clouds can go on. I have a good feeling about this. Its a studio work from a photo so no plein air today :(