Monday, July 27, 2009

Presidental duties and other things

I have been wearing my OPAS president hat alot lately since so many OPAS events are coming up in September. The Annual plein air competition at Lakeside/Marblehead, Ohio this year, the High Road Gallery exhibition and the Columbus Museum of Art Russell Page Gardent exhibition are all in mid September and lots of little details to work on. Emails flying and phone calls to get clear communication between organizers and artists established. And trying to paint. I was in painting at the Inniswood Metro park on the 19th of July and did two small works while a large annual tour was taking place. I was part of the park and the show. A live artist painting in the part was my exhibit, I was the art and making art.

This is a bed of flowers at Inniswood

I did a another of roses Crimson Bouquet

I am trying to use what I learned in Italy. Darks, grays, a feeling of distance.

The Trail to the Mountain
I pushed the darks to almost pure UM blue and grayed greens to push the trail back in to the forest. It worked.


Sri Debi said...

Did they give you a hard time at Inniswood? Last time I tried to paint there, some years ago now, they weren't very friendly. The old director loved artists, but the new one changed all the rules.

Jeffrey Risner said...

No problems at all. Everyone was very nice and invited me and anyone else from OPAS to paint. Just stay off the side walk is all they ask and no food or dogs or roller skates or bikes. I should contact them again just to keep communication open.